Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Random Pictures

Bits and pieces from the past week. This my attempt to use my camera more. One of my goals this year is to take pictures of everything.

Shoes in the middle of the floor

Favorite cup 

Weekend in the park...I like to hike

There are secrets hidden in the cluster of trees

Old men gather every weekend to take advantage of all that space by flying model airplanes. 

Rose bush in my front yard. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Manicure of the Week

Although this mani is striking I can't help but think it would be better suited for a  teenager. It's something about the combination that's a little too young in appearance, I think it may be the glitter. Despite the fact that it may not feel age appropriate to me it is at least attention grabbing, two of my male coworkers complimented me on this mani. Yes, I think it's weird for me to be complimented on my nails by guys, cause really how often does that happen in life. 

Wet n Wild -  Kalidoscope
Illamasqua - Collide (turning out to be my summer favorite)
Essie - Armed and ready

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pink and Gold

Illamasqua- Collide
Essie -Shifting Power

So shiny (hard to photograph)
This is my most successful attempt at gradient nails and although it's not perfect I'm proud of it. For some reason this technique was really hard for me to get. I used the sponge method and it sort of worked but my sponge was an old kitchen sponge and it wasn't in the best shape. Next time I'll get a fresh one from the dollar store and try again. All in all this I'm very proud of my nails this week probably because I made so many attempts before I got it right.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Simple bookends

In an effort to make the dungeon I call home tolerable, I've been trying my hand at decorating. Now to be fair what I consider decorating some people might simply consider cleaning, but to me it's a big deal. I'm taking teeny tiny baby steps toward a more pleasant and comfortable living space and I'm doing it on a budget. My first project, gold bookends for my nightstand so I have an organized place to put my current reading. These are not exactly rocket science to make but they look really nice for how simple they are. 

Gold Spray Paint $3 & Two Brick Pavers $.69 a piece

All painted

My 2nd attempt to capture how gold they were after painting.
 I just couldn't get the color right.

Add rubber feet $2.49 

All done and so very shiny! 
 This is a pretty cheap way to make book ends and I like the look a whole lot. I've seen this done with any old brick and in most cases they chip away at the sides before they paint to make it look my gold ore like. I didn't want that look so I skipped that part. I figure in a few weeks if I want  a new look I can just take a hammer to them and repaint.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

1 hour excursion

It's that time of the year again...Farmer's market time.  I try to eat as healthy as possible but because if where I live and work most of the time it's difficult to find good quality real foods. That is until the farmer's market season, from late spring until early fall they bring farm fresh goods within walking distance of me Yaay!. I try to visit at least once a week on my lunch break and usually end up finding something special. 

I saw was this booth with sugar snap peas and cherries and my stomach screamed at me so of course I bought some of both. The cherries were really sweet and sun warmed and I ate most of them before I got back to work. 
Pretty Flowers

There was a honey booth where you could meet some of the bees. Bees have stingers and are therefore scary, so of course I spent way too much time watching these insects in fascinated horror. The queen had a little yellow dot painted on her but she was too small for my cellphone camera to capture. I did end up buying honey still attached to the comb and a small jug of vinegar from this vendor.

You could smell these strawberries from like a block away.
Smiles on a wonderful afternoon. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Random phone photos

I take tons of pictures with my phone of just about everything and never do anything with them. Now I have a place for them. It's nice to have a legitimate reason to play around with my phone's camera filters.

Feeling like a diva on a wonderful sunny day. 
Last year's Miami Trip
What's in my bag...Everything 
Macy's new store display
View from expensive Chicago hotel 
Sunny lunch spot

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Manicure of the Week

Painted Ulta's Concrete Evidence on first, let it dry then using stickers I masked off tips and used Urban Outfitters' Smush. I then applied my glitter and finished it off with Posh quick dry top coat. Very simple and admittedly one of my favorite manicures. I love the color combination. 
